SMIPACK is the company of the SMI Group specialized in the manufacturing and marketing of packaging machines since 1997
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie SL - Serie S - Serie FP - Serie HS - Serie FW - Serie BP - Serie XP - Serie WPS - Serie HA
Tag: Agua - Zumos - Bebidas - Cerveza - Vino y alcoholes - Leche y productos derivados - Carne, pescado y huevos - Hortofrutícola - Pasta y arroz - Productos horneados - Alimentos en conserva - Botanas - Productos de limpieza - Artículos domésticos - Farmacéutica y cuidado personal - Textiles - Industria papelera y gráfica - Industria del plástico - Componentes eléctricos - Informática y entretenimiento - Madera - Automotriz - Ingeniería - Productos Industriales
Product-outdistancing mat conveyor + intermittent continuous automatic sealer + shrink tunnel
packs in 1x1 film only - chocolate cases
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie HS
Tag: Solo film - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 1x1 packs
Automatic flow pack machine with rotary sealing system & upper reel
packs in 1x1 only film - candies
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie FW
Tag: Solo film - Sin contenedor - Botanas - 1x1 packs
Automatic flow pack machine with rotary sealing system & upper reel
packs in 1x1 only film - chocolates
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie FW - Product path cooling device
Tag: Solo film - Sin contenedor - Botanas - 1x1 packs
Automatic flow pack machine with rotary sealing system & upper reel
packs in 1x1 only film - chocolate bars
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie FW - Product path cooling device
Tag: Solo film - Sin contenedor - Botanas - 1x1 packs
Automatic flow pack machine with rotary sealing system & upper reel
upgraded entry-level model with dynamic conformer
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie FW
Tag: Solo film - Papel polirecubierto - Papel - Hortofrutícola - Productos horneados - Alimentos en conserva - Botanas - Artículos domésticos - Farmacéutica y cuidado personal - Industria papelera y gráfica - Industria del plástico - Componentes eléctricos - Informática y entretenimiento - Automotriz - Ingeniería - Productos Industriales - 1x1 packs
Semi-automatic shrink wrapper with sealing bar
packs in 1x1 film only - aperitif set
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie BP - Pack-compacting rollers
Tag: Solo film - Botes - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 1x1 packs
Automatic shrink wrapper with sealing bar & vertical infeed - special version
packs in 6x1 film only - 320g boxes of oven snacks
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie BP - Vertical infeed conveyor
Tag: Solo film - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 6x1 packs
Divider + automatic in-line shrink wrapper with sealing bar - special infeed version
packs in 6x2 film only - ice lollies
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie BP - Pack-compacting rollers - Vertical infeed conveyor - DV150 90° infeed divider
Tag: Solo film - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 6x2 packs
Automatic 90° shrink wrapper with sealing bar - special infeed version
packs in 5x1 film only - nicotine pouches
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie BP - Vertical infeed conveyor
Tag: Solo film - Envases HDPE - Botanas - 5x1 packs
Automatic 90° shrink wrapper with sealing bar & product-stacking integrated device on progressive levels
in 2x1x4 film only - 600g cardboard boxes of mini spring rolls
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie BP
Tag: Solo film - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 2x1x4 packs
Automatic 90° shrink wrapper with sealing bar & product-stacking integrated device on progressive levels
in 2x1x3 film only - 250g cardboard boxes of spring rolls
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie BP
Tag: Solo film - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 2x1x3 packs
Automatic shrink wrapper with sealing bar & product-stacking integrated device on progressive levels
in 2x1x4 film only - 350g cardboard boxes of frozen sausages
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie BP
Tag: Solo film - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 2x1x4 packs
Divider + automatic 90° overlap shrink wrapper
packs in 4x2 film only - snacks
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie XP - DV150 90° infeed divider
Tag: Solo film - Cajas de cartón - Botanas - 4x2 packs
Automatic wrap-around case packer
packs in 1x1 cardboard cases - chocolate lollipops
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie WPS - Pad-inserting device
Tag: Caja wrap-around - Bandejas - Sacos - Botanas - 1x1 packs
Divider + automatic wrap-around case packer
packs in 6x3 shelf-ready cases - soy sauce
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie WPS - DV200 in line infeed divider
Tag: Empaque shelf-ready - Frascos de vidrio - Botanas - 6x3 packs
Divider + automatic wrap-around case packer
packs in 7x3 shelf-ready cases - 300ml HDPE bottles of shampoo
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie WPS - DV200 in line infeed divider
Tag: Empaque shelf-ready - Envases HDPE - Botanas - 7x3 packs
Divider + automatic wrap-around case packer with pick & place system
packs in 6x3 wrap-around cases - snacks
Máquinas SMIPACK: Serie WPS - DV200 in line infeed divider
Tag: Caja wrap-around - Otros envases - Botanas - 6x3 packs